The Daily WTF The holidays are a time of traditions, but traditions do change. For example, classic holiday specials have gone from getting cut
The Daily WTF When it comes to backwards compatibility, Microsoft is one of those vendors that really commits to it. It’s not that they won’t
The Daily WTF Release Notes: October 31, 2019 Added auto-save feature every five minutes. Auto-saves can be found in
The Daily WTF One of the lines between code that’s “not great, but like, it’s fine, I guess” and “wow, WTF”
The Daily WTF “No, that’s not the coupon code. They literally ran out of digital coupons,” Steve wrote. “Wow! Amazon is
The Daily WTF Cloud management consoles are, in most cases, targeted towards enterprise customers. This runs into Remy’s Law of Enterprise
The Daily WTF TypeScript offers certain advantages over JavaScript. Compile time type-checking can catch a lot of errors, it can move faster than
The Daily WTF Understanding the Gang of Four design patterns is a valuable bit of knowledge for a programmer. Of course, instead of understanding
The Daily WTF If we presume there is a Hell for IT folks, we can only assume the eternal torment involves configuring or interfacing with
The Daily WTF “I can understand selling swiss cheese by the slice, but copier paper by the pound?” Dave P. wrote. Amanda R. writes,