The Daily WTF It’s generally hard to do worse than a SQL injection vulnerability. Data access is fundamental to pretty much every application,
The Daily WTF About three years ago, Consuela inherited a giant .NET project. It was… not good. To communicate how “not good” it was, Consuela
The Daily WTF The C# “extension method” feature lets you implement static methods which “magically” act like
The Daily WTF One of my favorite illusions is the progress bar. Even the worst, most inaccurate progress bar will make an application feel
The Daily WTF “Aldi doesn’t deliver to a …computer memory address!? Ok, that sounds fair,” wrote Oisin. “When you
The Daily WTF Mapping between types can create some interesting challenges. Michal has one of those scenarios. The code comes to us heavily
The Daily WTF Janell found herself on a project where most of her team were offshore developers she only interacted with via email, and a tech
The Daily WTF After years spent supporting an enterprisey desktop application with a huge codebase full of WTFs, Sammy thought he had seen all
The Daily WTF Date representations are one of those long-term problems for programmers, which all ties into the problem that “dates are
The Daily WTF “Boy oh boy! You can’t beat that free shipping for the low, low price of $4!” Zenith wrote. Brendan wrote,