The Daily WTF At an old job, I did a significant amount of VB.Net work. I didn’t hate VB.Net. Sure, the syntax was clunky, but autocomplete
The Daily WTF In a global health crisis, like say, a pandemic, accurate and complete data about its spread is a “must have”. Which is
The Daily WTF Code changes over time. Sometimes, it feels like gremlins sweep through the codebase and change it for us. Usually, though, we have
The Daily WTF “Last night's dinner was delicious!” Drew W. writes. “Gee, thanks Microsoft! It’s great to finally see
The Daily WTF Cassi’s co-worker (previously) was writing some more PHP. This code needed to take a handful of arguments, like id and label and
The Daily WTF For every leftpad debacle, there are a thousand “utility belt” libraries for JavaScript. Whether it’s the “venerable” JQuery, or
The Daily WTF A few months ago, Sean had some tasks around building a front-end for some dashboards. Someone on the team picked a UI library for
The Daily WTF Ammar A uses Node to consume an HTTP API. The API uses cookies to track session information, and ensures those cookies expire, so
The Daily WTF “In this screenshot, ‘Lyckades’ means ‘Succeeded’ and the buttons say ‘Try again’ and
The Daily WTF To my mind, code comments are important to explain why the code what it does, not so much what it does. Ideally, the what is clear