The Daily WTF Back when it was new, one of the “great features” of Java was that it made working with threads “easy”.
The Daily WTF Back when I was still working for a large enterprise company, I did a lot of code reviews. This particular organization
The Daily WTF It’s fair to say that regardless of their many advantages, “systems languages”, like C, are much harder to use
The Daily WTF “Who would have thought that a newspaper hired an ex-TV technician to test their new CMS with an actual test pattern!”
The Daily WTF I have a philosophy on birthdays. The significant ones aren’t the numbers we usually choose- 18, 21, 40, whatever- it’s
The Daily WTF Testing for equality is hard. Equal references are certainly equal, but are equal values? What does it mean for two objects to
The Daily WTF Remember Robert, the student who ruined his class curve back in the 1960s? Well, proving the old adage that the guy who graduates
The Daily WTF It’s a holiday in the US today, so we’re reaching back into the archives while doing some quarantine grilling. This
The Daily WTF “Should you find yourself at a loss for words at the loss of a loved one, there are other ‘words’ you can
The Daily WTF If nulls are a “billion dollar mistake”, then optional/nullable values are the $50 of material from the hardware store