The Daily WTF Java’s history with web applications is, well, complicated. Java, heavily focused on being the True Object Oriented language,
The Daily WTF Frankie was handed a pile of PHP and told, “Move this to a new host.” The process didn’t go well- simply copying
The Daily WTF Dave L. writes, “Spotted an option on Lenovo’s ‘Pick Your Laptop by Spec’ that seems to be aimed, possibly,
The Daily WTF Let’s say you’re a native English speaker. Let’s say you’re writing a library which is going to be used by
The Daily WTF Thomas K was browsing around, trying to give folks some technical help. While doing that, he found a poor, belaguered soul who had
The Daily WTF Most of our WTFs are produced on modern hardware, but today we’re taking you back to the dawn of computing, back to the
The Daily WTF Eyal N works on some code which relys on “bit matrices”: 2D arrays of bits. Since they are working in C, in practice
The Daily WTF “Apparently they don’t want you to Strongly Agree with everything they say!” wrote David S. “When updating
The Daily WTF If there’s a hell for programmers, it probably involves C-style strings on some level. C’s approach to strings is
The Daily WTF Generating SQL statements is a necessary feature of many applications. String concatenation is the most obvious, and also the most