The Daily WTF If you create a UI object in code, you have to go through all that pesky, annoying work of initalizing that object so it displays
The Daily WTF Mark M. wrote, “While I was reading the Feb 6th DailyWTF, Feedly chimed in with this helpful comment that really put it in
The Daily WTF We’ve discussed the evil of the for-case pattern in the past, but Russell F offers up a finding which is an entirely new riff
The Daily WTF Mark F had just gone to production on the first project at his new job: create a billables reconciliation report that an end-user
The Daily WTF Carrol C just joined IniTech. They were hiring for someone who could help them tame their cloud costs. There’s a lot of money
The Daily WTF Vernice inherited a legacy web app. By “legacy” in this case, we mean “lots of jQuery.” jQuery everywhere.
The Daily WTF “This nil looks pretty tasty, but I think I’m allergic to it since I always feel sick when I see it in my
The Daily WTF As we’ve explored recently, developers will often latch onto something they pick up in one language and carry it forward with
The Daily WTF IniTech’s fashion division, IniGarment, launched their new accounting solution by hiring “best in class”
The Daily WTF I use Python a lot at work, and if you’re doing anything vaguely data oriented, you want to use NumPy. I gave a talk about