The Daily WTF “Normally I do pretty well on the Super Quiz, but then they decided to do it in Latin,” writes Mike S. “Uh oh,
The Daily WTF When Java added their streams API, they brought the power and richness of functional programming styles to the JVM, if we ignore
The Daily WTF Your programming language is PHP, which represents datetimes as milliseconds since the epoch. Your database, on the other hand,
The Daily WTF When you deploy any sort of complicated architecture, like microservices, you also end up needing to deploy some way to route
The Daily WTF Java has a boolean type, and of course it also has a parseBoolean method, which works about how you’d expect. It’s
The Daily WTF “If you choose not to decide which button to press, you still have made a choice,” Rob H. wrote. “If you have a
The Daily WTF Lena inherited some C++ code which had issues regarding a timeout. While skimming through the code, one block in particular leapt
The Daily WTF As is the case with pretty much any language these days, Python comes with robust date handling functionality. If you want to know
The Daily WTF A great man once said “I used to be over by the window, and I could see the squirrels, and they were merry.” As
The Daily WTF We all have our little bits of sloppiness and our bad habits. Most of us have more than one. One place I’m likely to get