The Daily WTF Back in the late 60s, early 70s, “Fourth Generation Languages” (4GL) seemed like the future. “Write programs
The Daily WTF Soraya’s company recently decided to expand the payment options that they support. This meant integrating
The Daily WTF Mandy’s company was brought on to port some REST APIs to Java for a client. Those APIs were written in an in-house,
The Daily WTF Many decades ago—before laser printers, graphical operating systems, and device-independent imaging models—Gus worked
The Daily WTF Mark wrote, “A Computer Science Degree + a New York certification + ability to speak United States?…I’m the
The Daily WTF Pitor works for a web development shop. They’ll develop and design sites, usually pretty simple ones, for their customers.
The Daily WTF Every once in awhile, someone sends us some code from a game. Now, I’ve never delved deep into game development, aside from
The Daily WTF Stella needs to interface with a cloud-hosted marketing automation system. The documentation isn’t particularly great, and
The Daily WTF Susi inherited some code which she fortunately wasn’t expected to maintain. She had a worse problem: she was expected to
The Daily WTF “Balmuda’s marketing has a lot to say about their products in Japan…just not in Japanese…or really in Latin