The Daily WTF Tom C inherited some Go from another developer, and writes, “I’m pretty sick of finding this sort of stuff in this
The Daily WTF Web development has gone in a bizarre circle since the early 2000s. Whet ASP.NET launched, its “big sell” was Web
The Daily WTF Not so long ago in 2015, Carl C. was asked to give a talk to an amateur radio club. The venue was a local church that rented out
The Daily WTF Ben M recently inherited some code from some Highly Paid Consultants. These consultants needed to be able to set some flags to
The Daily WTF Gordon S. wrote, “In seeing how someone botched the deployment of Windows on the flight boards, I sure hope that’s ALL
The Daily WTF There are many moments where our multi-threaded code needs to gurantee only one code path is executing at a time. That’s why
The Daily WTF Alvin had the fortune of working with an exceptional talent while he was employed at Virtucon. Bart knew how to do everything from
The Daily WTF We all just love ternaries around here. So much. A powerful form of code golf, they can clarify and they can confound, but usually
The Daily WTF Today, any sort of data access layer we build is going to be rooted in some sort of object-oriented design. It might be a full ORM,
The Daily WTF “Does this mean that Toyota believes that hybrid owners are fundamentally unhappy with their cars?” writes Thom. Brian