The Daily WTF The title of this week’s column is making me hungry. To start off our WTFreitag, Reinier B. complains “I did not
The Daily WTF Kirill writes: I’ve worked in this small company for a year, and on a daily basis I’ve come across things that make my
The Daily WTF The CEO of Delia‘s company retired. They were an old hand in the industry, the kind of person who worked their way up and had
The Daily WTF Python’s “batteries included” approach means that a lot of common tasks have high-level convenience functions for
The Daily WTF Most of us, when generating a UUID, will reach for a library to do it. Even a UUIDv4, which is just a random number, presents
The Daily WTF We like trains here at Error’d, and you all seem to like trains too. That must be the main reason we get so many submissions
The Daily WTF There are real advantages to taking a functional programming approach to expressing problems. Well, some problems, anyway. Kevin
The Daily WTF Greg was fighting with an academic CMS, and discovered that a file called write_helper.js was included on every page. It contained
The Daily WTF Gretchen saw this line in the front-end code for their website and freaked out: let bucket = new AWS.S3({ params: { Bucket:
The Daily WTF One thing I’ve learned by going through our reader submissions over the years is that WTFs never start with just one mistake.