The Daily WTF When you get into the world of proprietary filesystems, things can get real weird. There are many a filesystem that doesn’t
The Daily WTF Many years ago, Tom supported a VB6 application. It was about 750,000 lines of code, split across far too many files, with no real
The Daily WTF I’m fresh out of snark this week, so I’m relying on the rest of you to carry the load for me. Tote that barge, etc.
The Daily WTF Many a time, we’ve seen a program reach out into the database for date times. It’s annoying to see, but not entirely
The Daily WTF One of the nice things about Git is that it makes it very easy for us to learn the steps that went into a WTF. It doesn’t
The Daily WTF Chilly inherited a VB .Net application which generates an “IDoc” file which is used to share data with SAP.
The Daily WTF Joe inherited some C code that left him scratching his head. It doesn’t start too badly: typedef unsigned char byte; typedef
The Daily WTF We got a lot of good submissions this week, including some examples of test-in-prod we’re saving for a special edition. Not
The Daily WTF Back in the heady days of the DotCom Bubble, startups were thick on the ground, and Venture Capital money was a flood- lifting
The Daily WTF Michael has a confession. Once upon a time, a very long time ago, he needed to write some JavaScript to serialize data and send it