Tech news – monthly update by Apiumhub

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Apium Hub

Hello, hello! Thank you for your interest in tech news, events, trends and tips! 

Let’s start our monthly update with tech news and events: 

Tech news: August 1. Top tech articles of the month 2.  Job offers in Barcelona 

If you are living in Barcelona and you are a full stack developer, Frontend developer or Backend developer, check this opportunity and don`t hesitate to apply. What we guarantee you are professional growth, a second family, and cool projects! 

3. Survey: Software development situation in Spain 

We are currently working on a software development survey together with our partners: Barcelona Tech city, Abinsula, Two Reality, SeedRocket, Ubiqum, Agilogy, Barcelona Startup News, Codeworks. It won’t take you more than 5 minutes, but you will help us a lot! Thanks 😉 

-> Software development survey

4. Apiumhub invested in Agora Images

Agora Images, a Barcelona-based photography app, closed its second financing round with more than €2M. And

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