The Back End: Using Gatsby.js and Node.js for Static Site Updates

, Software Pundits
This post was originally published on this site


In this article series, we will develop a static content website prototype. It will generate daily-updated, simple static HTML pages for popular GitHub repositories to track their latest releases. Static web page generation frameworks have great features to achieve that—we’ll use Gatsby.js, one of the most popular.

In Gatsby, there are many ways to collect data for a front end without having a back end (serverless), Headless CMS platforms and Gatsby source plugins among them. But we will implement a back end to store basic information about GitHub repositories and their latest releases. Thus, we will have full control over both our back end and front end.

Also, I’ll cover a set of tools to trigger a daily update of your application. You can also trigger it manually or whenever some specific event happens.

Our front-end application will be run on Netlify, and the back-end application will be working on

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