The Circuit Breaker Pattern

, Software Pundits
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Apium Hub

In today’s article I’d like to focus on the Circuit Breaker pattern. Some background: In a previous article we talked about how to handle transient failures through the application of the Retry pattern. As a reminder, transient failures are those errors produced during a brief time period and get solved automatically.

The Retry pattern works well with these kinds of failures since we know (or we think we know) that they won’t happen again on a future call. However, there are times when these transient failures can become total failures. In a situation like this, the Retry pattern stops being useful and, in fact, might even make things worse by consuming critical resources. When facing an issue like this, it’s preferable to have the operation immediately fail so it can be managed by the system. It’d be also desirable that the service is only invoked again if there are chances

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