Apium Hub
As you may have noticed, TypeScript is reaching new heights of popularity. In Apiumhub we use it a lot as well and think that it is absolutely worth trying! Our team members say that “once you try it, you just stay with it”. And in this article, I will try to mention top Typescript advantages that make people consider using it.
Typescript advantages Code scalability with “Interface oriented development” TypeScript helps you dealing with growing teams Tooling and Community, for example, Microsoft made an awesome community effort work. ES-next compliance Types have a proven ability to enhance code quality and understandability. Large teams (Google, Microsoft, Facebook) have continually arrived at this conclusion. Types increase your agility when doing refactoring. It’s better for the compiler to catch errors than to have things fail at runtime. Types are one of the best forms of documentation you can have. The function signature is
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