There are probably two main thoughts in your head while you read this introduction:
What is ClojureScript? This isn’t relevant to my interests.
But wait! That’s where you’re wrong—and I will prove it to you. If you’re willing to invest 10 minutes of your time, I will show you how ClojureScript can make writing front-end and React-y applications fun, fast, and—most importantly—functional.
Some ClojureScript Tutorial Prerequisites Lisp knowledge is not required. I will do my best to explain any code samples that are scattered within this blog post! However, if you do want to do a little pre-reading, I would highly recommend, the one-stop shop for getting started with Clojure (and by extension, ClojureScript). Clojure and ClojureScript share a common language—I will often refer to these at the same time as Clojure[Script]. I do assume that you have knowledge of React and general front-end know-how. How to Learn ClojureScript:
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