WebAssembly/Rust Tutorial: Pitch-perfect Audio Processing

, Software Pundits
This post was originally published on this site


Supported by all modern browsers, WebAssembly (or “Wasm”) is transforming the way we develop user experiences for the web. It is a simple binary executable format that allows libraries or even whole programs that have been written in other programming languages to run in the web browser.

Developers often look for ways to be more productive, such as:

Using a single app codebase for multiple target platforms, but having the app run well on all of them Creating a UX that is smooth and beautiful on desktop and mobile environments Taking advantage of the open-source library ecosystem to avoid “reinventing the wheel” during app development

For front-end developers, WebAssembly provides all three, answering the search for a web app UI that truly rivals the native mobile or desktop experience. It even allows the use of libraries written in non-JavaScript languages, such as C++ or Go!

In this Wasm/Rust tutorial, we

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