Startup Beat
7 Gate Academy, the blockchain and machine learning bootcamp backed by venture capital firm 7 Gate Ventures, announces two new cohorts for the program beginning in late January 2020.
The international academy aims to support Vancouver’s developers and burgeoning tech scene by addressing a talent gap in the blockchain and machine learning industries, and more broadly to advance these critical ecosystems across Canada.
“We are very proud to announce our new cohorts in Vancouver, and to help companies across our thriving technology sector attract the talent required that will enable them to succeed,” said Alireza Rahnema, Principal at 7 Gate Ventures.
“Building on our mission to make Vancouver the best place to launch and grow a business, our academy guides, mentors, and highlights the opportunities for growth in our vibrant city.”
7 Gate Academy has been determined from the beginning to have its curriculum serve the needs of Vancouver and
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