Crypto, credit and easing away from cash: These global fintechs are poised to change the future of money

, Start Up
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Startup Beat

Money may not move the world, but the numbers tell a different story. 

By July 2022, fintech startups across the world had raised $21.5 billion. If that seems like a lot, get this: that number represents the lowest investment in the last five quarters, down 39% from the peak in 2021. Fintech startups in ASEAN countries raised $4.3 billion, in Europe they raised $6.2 billion, and fintechs hauled in $8.3 billion in the US. While 2022 was certainly a muted year for venture capital, the dollars haven’t gone anywhere – investors in the US alone are sitting on $290 billion worth of dry powder. 

But to what sectors will the funds go? Again, according to the data, fintech comes out on top. 

Needless to say, as technology seeps into every aspect of life, the way we interact with money is also changing. And startups are enabled to execute this change:

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