Former Director of the NSA and Commander of US Cyber Command joins CyberCube’s Board, bringing cybersecurity expertise to the insurance industry

, Start Up
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Startup Beat

CyberCube, a leading provider of cyber risk analytics for the insurance industry, today announced the addition of Admiral (Ret.) Michael S Rogers to its Board of Directors.

From 2014 to 2018, Michael Rogers concurrently served as Director of the National Security Agency (NSA), Commander of the U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) and Chief of the Central Security Service. This is the first private sector position he has taken since retiring from a 37-year career in the military.

“The insurance industry has an increasingly important role to play in making companies more resilient to cyber attacks” shared Michael Rogers. “Providing the cyber insurance market with better cyber risk analytics enables insurers to grow more sustainably and help more enterprises understand, mitigate and insure cyber risk”.

The CyberCube platform was established in 2015 within Symantec, the global leader in cyber security, and now operates as an independent company. CyberCube’s software platform enables insurers

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