A Dollar and a Dream: Starting a Business with No Money

, Start Up
This post was originally published on this site

Aaron Vick

Did you know that around 65 percent of entrepreneurs started off their companies without enough money?

If you want to start a business without any money, you shouldn’t let your lack of capital put you off the idea. 

It doesn’t always take money to make money. But, it definitely helps to have plenty of cash flow.

But, if you’re going to be successful, you need to check out our tips on starting a business with no money. Let’s get started!

1. Don’t Quit Your Job Yet

You may be tempted to quit and throw everything at your business. However, you definitely shouldn’t do this. 

Many entrepreneurs keep their day jobs. You have 33 percent more chance of being successful with your business if you stay employed.

Without any money to launch your startup, you shouldn’t give up your only source of income. This is extremely risky!

You won’t have as much time to put

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