Get Money: 9 Startup Funding Ideas That Really Work

, Start Up
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Aaron Vick

Get Money: 9 Startup Funding Ideas That Work

For everyone that has a great business idea, startup funding is usually the barrier to the next step. You might be stuck in how to raise the money to get your brilliant business idea started. You can’t have your idea successfully grow until you have some sort of funds.

1. Friends and Family

A classic way to start a business is to borrow money from friends and family. Convincing friends and family to believe in your dream is sometimes easier than convincing an investor or a bank. Friends and family might be more willing to fund your company if you have a clear direction of what you’ll be doing with your money and your milestone goals laid out for them.

If you are borrowing the money as a loan make sure you have a clear understanding and written agreements that outline when and how the money

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