Startup Beat
World Computer Day is celebrated on December 9th. This is not a random date, as it was selected in honor of Grace Hooper, developer of the first compiler and precursor of the universal programming language COBOL.
Women are protagonists and pioneers in the history of technology. Over the last century, women have dominated the field of computing. To name just a few, there’s Hedy Lamarr, the actress who invented wifi; Rose Dieng, Frances Allen, the first woman to win the Turing Award and a pioneer in compiler optimization and high-performance computing. Grace Hopper, one of the pioneer programmers of Eniac, the company that created the first programmable computer; Margaret Hamilton, who coded the software that made the first moon landing possible; Radia Perlman, who contributed to the development of the internet; and Frances E. Allen, the first woman to win the Turing Award…
Despite their contributions being written in history,
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