Startup Beat
The largest minority group worldwide is the 1.3 billion people who live with some form of disability—representing 17% of the global population. Despite this, time and time again people with disabilities are not accounted for in certain societal freedoms that more mobile people enjoy.
The Valuable 500 is a cohort of 500 companies that are publicly committed to putting disability on the business leadership agenda. The Valuable 500 Founder, Caroline Casey, summed up this disparity for those with disabilities in the quote: “There is a global disability inequality crisis. And it can’t be fixed by governments and charities alone. It needs the most powerful force on the planet: business.”
At company Publicize’s latest pitch competition, Connect: Europe, ProsFit, a company that is leveraging both knowledge and technology to enable confident mobility for those with disabilities, brought home the win. Let’s take a closer look at the company, and how it
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