Ditch the ‘New Normal’: Togetherness Will Drive Growth Post-COVID

, Start Up
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Startup Beat

If your company was one of the thousands that switched to remote work during the pandemic, chances are you already know the drill: daily video conference calls, even more coworking synergy platforms, and the shirt-tie-sweatpants work attire.

Saying that the future of work might be changed forever is hardly an overstatement. Observing the dynamics, many companies rushed to vigorously implement cutting-edge technologies, find ways to turn meetings into Asana tasks, and roll out grand plans to cut costs by closing their offices and embracing this ‘new normal’ for good.

However, could running too fast toward the new make us forget the benefits of the old?

Evolve, not resolve

Each business owner should constantly think about the challenges tomorrow will bring and how to adapt to overcome them. The era of COVID-19 has presented a unique set of issues, but one thing is already clear: Using tech as the universal

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