Drafting a Winner: 8 Best Hiring Practices for Building an All-Star Tech Team

, Start Up
This post was originally published on this site

Aaron Vick

Talent is one of the most precious commodities in the technology industry. Anyone can learn a bit of Java and build basic programs, or assemble some hardware. But it takes a special sort of person to truly bring your company to new heights.

These are the people that you should focus on hiring, and you’ll never find them by just looking at résumés.

The best hiring practices are the ones that try to get to know people beyond the professional level. Even though it’s important to verify that someone has the skills they claim to have, that’s not all there is to it. People are complex creatures, and you want to make sure only the best make their way into your company.

Keep reading below to learn how to find the best people for your company and get them on board!

1. Build Your Brand

As a company working in the modern world,

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