nerdytec Launches Couchmaster® CYBOT to Bring Ergonomic Couchgaming Experience to Notebook Users

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Startup Beat

Gaming hardware company nerdytec today announces the launch of its new premium gaming lapboard, the Couchmaster® CYBOT. The Couchmaster® CYBOT is the ideal solution for wireless device users seeking a comfortable and ergonomic gaming experience.

The Couchmaster® CYBOT is made from sustainable bamboo and refined with a soft-touch surface. It includes a laptop cooling system and boasts an expert design for comfortable gaming sessions. The cushions, which come in a cool military sports look, provide a stable hold with parts of them equipped with Kevlar®. The CYBOT is both sturdy and stylish, maintaining a smooth look and feel.

Without the use of a lapboard, notebook or tablet gamers are resigned to a desk set-up, while their console-gaming counterparts are able to enjoy the comfort of sitting on a couch. Now, with the Couchmaster® CYBOT, notebook or tablet users can comfortably play from their couch without having to worry about the

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