Paradigm Shift on WEB 3: “A Trustless, Permissionless, Decentralized Internet”

, Start Up
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Startup Beat

To understand Web 3, we must first delve into the history of the internet, which dates back to the 90s. It was during this time that our computers became an encyclopedia and information became available to us with a few clicks of the mouse. However, this version of the internet had its limitations. Websites were mainly static, and there was no concrete way for us to interact with the net. This we can say was the first stage of the internet, or Web 1.

With the advent of sites like Facebook and YouTube, the concept of the internet has evolved. This period, which we can term “Web 2,” enabled us to like, share, and create content in a manner that was previously impossible. Web 2 also coincided with the rise of the smartphone. This meant that the net was now mobile and could be carried with us at all times.


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