Startup Beat
Bedtime stories are one of the most intimate ways for parents to bond with their children. Those precious minutes could often be the only moments of interaction a parent has with their child as they juggle the stresses of life, especially as the pandemic continues to abate and the return to office mandates increase.
Francisco Cornejo, along with his wife Daniella Vega, founded the Storybook App, an app that aims to maximize this particular interaction with an interesting twist. While the app is loaded with unique bedtime stories written by Vega herself, the app differentiates itself by incorporating certain physical cues via facial massages in order to improve the quality of the child’s sleep.
“Pediatricians highly recommend massages for babies,” Cornejo said.
“It’s important for humans to feel a connection with other humans. Physical touch stimulates hormones in the body, reduces cortisol, increases oxytocin, and increases melatonin.”
Cornejo, who is a big
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