Startup Beat
The Door to Hell, a burning natural gas field in Derweze, Turkmenistan. This image is made from three 17mm shots stitched together and the field of view (~170°) is larger than it may appear (the field has roughly the size of two basketball courts). Courtesy Wikimedia, licensed under the Creative CommonsAttribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license by CqdxFlickr: Darvasa gas crater panorama
America can maintain its status as the most successful country in the world and, arguably, in world history. That said, success is not guaranteed.
There is a power struggle underway about whether to continue to premise our policies based on confidence in what used to be called “good old Yankee ingenuity” or to vest authority in the hands of experts (whether government or corporate) whose superpower is the creation of clever models to dictate our course.
There is also a dispute between proponents of growth, like us, and proponents of “limits to growth” or
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