Startup Beat
In estimates released by the International Labor Organization, lockdown measures prompted by COVID-19 have affected over 2.7 billion workers worldwide. Needless to say, given the current and future impact of this global pandemic, it’s more important than ever for organisations to adapt and retain trust from their clients, stakeholders and networks. With closures, cancellations and rapid alteration in services and products, many startups are wondering how to manage crisis communications effectively in order to show stability, strength and understanding. This is vital right now; supporting the business message in times of bad as well as good.
In an interview over email Dresden Leitner, a senior account manager at Publicize, spoke with Startup Beat about where to start with crisis communication and what makes for an effective crisis management strategy. As a guest on The Loudspeaker podcast, Leitner, who has worked in PR for over a decade, shared her expertise
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