Why the Internet will be the next (and last) Silicon Valley

, Start Up
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Startup Beat

Headlines will have you believe the Silicon Valley of tomorrow is blossoming in the Midwest, Los Angeles or even Medellin, Colombia. It is exciting to speculate where the next tech center of the world could be, however, as companies rely more on distributed teams, the next Silicon Valley might be less tangible than we think.

According to a Twitter conversation between Andreas Klinger, Head of Remote at Angle List and a recent speaker at Running Remote, and Angle List co-founder Naval Ravikant, the Internet will be the next (and last) Silicon Valley.

Remote work is becoming increasingly common for many businesses, and internal business communications must correlate with this grow. Therefore, it will come as no surprise that we’re seeing a surge in startups being built on platforms like Slack.

However, internal business communications still seems to be this elusive concept that is different for every business. For some, it’s

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