Blockchain industry set to benefit from new collaboration between University of Notre Dame and startup Crescite

, Start Up
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Startup Beat

The blockchain industry is set to benefit from a new collaboration between the University of Notre and Web3 startup Crescite, which according to a statement from the company will involve joint research projects, prototyping and blockchain competitions.

From a report in Yahoo News, the blockchain market size was valued at $12.3 billion in 2023 and its market is expected to grow more than 57% annually until 2030.

Crescite is a Tennessee-based company that leverages emerging technologies to address challenges involving faith-based initiatives and ESG projects. The University of Notre Dame, based in Indiana, is one of the world’s leading private research universities.

The partnership will involve a collaboration between the university and Crescite on how to best leverage technology to support those in need.

“There are 1.2 billion Catholics worldwide within the wider 2.3 billion strong Christian community. For Crescite, working with Catholics and Christians to foster faith-based projects that deliver

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