What Lives Beyond the Blue Screen (2019)

This post was originally published on this site

The Daily WTF

As promised in the sneak peak, we have a very special Halloween feature planned for today! What Lives Beyond the Blue Screen is an animated story by Lorne Kates (voiced by Jack Rhysider), made in collaboration with our new friends at Human Readable Magazine:

An everyday programmer decides to clean up the mess of his company’s infrastructure before the big merger only to accidentally run the wrong command on the wrong location. Join the adventure as they rush to fix the mistake before they bring down the entire company.

This will be you live-streamed premier, in just a few hours, at 1:00PM Eastern. Stay tuned!

About Human Readable Magazine

We’re able to bring this to you thanks to Panagiotis “Pek” Peikidis. In addition to having an even more Greek name than mine, Pek is embarking on a remarkably awesome – and a bit insane – journey. He’s launching

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