Classic WTF: Working Around, Over and Through the Process

This post was originally published on this site

The Daily WTF

It’s still a holiday weekend in the US; after playing with fireworks yesterday, most of us have to spend today trying to find the fingers we lost. There are no fireworks in this classic story, but there may be some karma… OriginalRemy

When Kevin landed a job at Townbank in the late 1980s, he came face-to-face with the same thing that thousands of newly minted developers had encountered before and since – there is more to being a corporate programmer than just writing code – there’s the process.

Second only, perhaps, to the strict rules commanded by the world’s religions, the process keeps the code consistent. Glory to the process – praised be the process – the process is good, the process should always be followed, and above all, the process is good for you!

For nearly everybody, the process isn’t all that bad. It just takes

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