Just Google It

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The Daily WTF

Based on the glowing recommendations of a friend, Philip accepted a new job in a new city. The new city was a wonderful change of pace. The new job, on the other hand…

The company was a startup, “running lean” and “making the best use of our runway”. The CEO was a distant figure, but the CTO, Trey, was a much more hands on “leader”. Trey was part of the interview process, and was the final decision maker for hiring Philip. On Philip’s first day, Trey commented on the fact that Philip specifically hadn’t gotten a degree in software engineering, but had twenty years of work experience.

“Honestly, that really put you over the top,” Trey said. He grinned the smile of someone who has spent a lot of money engineering the perfect smile, and clapped Philip on the back. “We tend to prefer candidates from, y’know, ‘non-traditional’ backgrounds. I

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