The Biased Bug

This post was originally published on this site

The Daily WTF

Back in the 90s, Steve was the head (i.e. only) programmer and CEO of a small company. His pride and joy was a software package employed by many large businesses. One day, a client of Steve’s named Winston called him concerning a critical, show-stopping bug.

CEO Head Programmer Steve was also the Technical Support Lead, and thus he faithfully took up the issue. Over the phone, Winston carefully described the steps needed to reproduce the crash, and Steve walked through them. At a certain point, entering data and hitting Return rendered the program unusable for Winston—but not so for Steve. Much back-and-forth ensued as Steve tried to figure out what Winston was doing differently, and the frustration in Winston’s voice mounted every time he had to reboot the system. It was as if the program had something against the poor man.

Since they weren’t getting anywhere over the phone,

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