The Daily WTF
In the mid-00s, famous Web plugin Flash tried to make a pivot. It wasn’t going to be for games or little animations anymore, it was going to be for Enterprise Applications, and they called it Flex.
Flex was a pile of XML files and ActionScript which would be compiled together into a Flash-based UI that would work in every browser (with the Flash plugin). This was a terrible idea to begin with, and was basically killed pretty quickly by Apple releasing the iPhone without Flash, but for a brief moment, it was a product people used. It’s was “donated” to Apache in 2012, as what I can only assume was a White Elephant.
But in 2008, the SDK went open source. And it’s from this era that today’s sample from Steven comes.
Steven was trawling through the SDK trying to understand why performance was bad. While this method wasn’t the
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