The Daily WTF
As always, dates are hard, memory management is hard, and localization is hard, but nothing, nothing is as hard as multiplication.
Sushi fan Ben A. found the freshest fish in western NY. “After an earlier email thanking me for a non-existent recent order,” he confides, “Beyond Menu has helpfully clarified that they can predict the future.”
Here at Error’d, the true delectables are the errors in which the error behavior itself is the error. Cosplayer Slashee the C. highlights what happens when your memory management is so bad that you can’t even report the actual. It’s obvious, of course, but it would be nice to know where.
Bellows Slashee, “Usually I like to try and find (and fix) which programs are causing problems, but it looks like it didn’t catch the error for not having enough space for the full path either.”
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