The Daily WTF
In English we have common greetings and farewells that mark salubrious moments in time, such as “Good Morning”, “Good Evening”, “Good Afternoon”, even “Happy New Year” or “Happy Birthday”. The same is true for every tongue with which I am even slightly familiar, to the point I will wager that it is common to every human language on the planet. And yet, despite the invention of “le weekend” at least a century ago (variously attributed to labour unionists, Henry Ford, or a nomadic monotheist), even the French have not yet penned a pithy phrase to herald the end of our conventional working week.
Except today.
Today, this one day of the year, we English-speakers have the expression readily at hand: Good Friday.
(If I am wrong about this, and one of your favorite languages actually includes a hackneyed weekend marker, please correct me in the comments.)
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