The Daily WTF
You can do a lot in an SQL query. But sometimes, you should probably do less, like this ad-hoc ORDER BY clause from KT.
sql = sql + “Order By Section, ” +”replace(replace(replace(replace(” + “replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace” + “(replace(‘.’ +Num + ‘.’,’.2.’,’.02.’),’.1.’,’.01.’),’.3.’,’.03.’)” + “,’.4.’,’.04.’),’.6.’,’.06.’),’.5.’,’.05.’),’.7.’,’.07.’)” + “,’.8.’,’.08.’),’.9.’,’.09.’),’.5.’,’.05.’),’.1.’,’.01.’)” + “,’.2′,’.02′),’.3′,’.03′)”;
The line-breaks were not in the original, but I wanted this to be vaguely readable.
On one hand, this is possibly the symptom of a really bad data model, where Num fields encode some meaningful identifier one way, but other applications need it represented another way. But then I notice that some of the replacements get repeated (.5. and .1.), and some are just similar (.2. vs. .2), and then I suspect someone just had no clue what was happening here.
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