The Daily WTF
Once upon a time, HTML had tags like <marquee>, which scrolled text across your page, and when combined with animated GIF backgrounds basically defined the Geocities aesthetic.
Since then, the HTML specification has been refined, and the choice has been made that HTML tags should (mostly) be about semantics– describing the structure of a page, the meaning of elements, and the relationship between those elements. It generally shouldn’t describe the presentation of those elements (CSS should do that)- even though the semantics generally imply something about the display (paragraphs and divisions are block elements, for example).
And then <br> walks up and throws a wrench in that, because it’s much more about the layout of a page than the semantic relationship between elements.
The <hr> tag falls into a similar space- it does represent a logical break between parts of the page, but also has a clear visual intent: draw
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