Best of…: Best of 2023: Around the World (Around the World)

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The Daily WTF

Poor Sandra, this article is but one bad day in a slew of bad days dealing with geographic data and WTFs. —Remy

Sandra has ongoing issues. When we last checked in, we had some problems with geography, and those problems haven’t been solved.

Now, one truth of geographic points is that they’re bounded. We know, for example, that longitudes cover the range (-180,180), and latitudes are always (-90,90). Even if we change the coordinate system, it will still have bounds, as the Earth is a closed shape with finite boundaries.

Sandra maintains an application that lets users annotate the map with their own data points, drawing shapes on the map and recording the coordinates of the shape. The code which manages the map layer allows the user to pan around the map, and transparently update its internal coordinates to remain within those boundaries. The code which manages the annotation layer,

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