CodeSOD: A Secure Item

This post was originally published on this site

The Daily WTF

Kirill writes:

I’ve worked in this small company for a year, and on a daily basis I’ve come across things that make my eyes sink back into their sockets in fear, but mostly I’ve been too busy fixing them to post anything. It being my last day however, here’s a classic

We’ll take this one in parts. First, every element of the UI the user can navigate to is marked with an enum, defined thus:

enum UiItem { SectionA, SectionB, SectionC,…SectionG }

These names are not anonymized, so already I hate it. But it’s the next enum that starts my skin crawling:

enum SecurityUiItem { SectionA = UiItem.SectionA, SectionB = UiItem.SectionB, … SectionG = UiItem.SectionG }

A SecurityUiItem is a different type, but the values are identical to UiItem.

These enums are used when trying to evaluate role-based permissions for access, and that code looks like

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