Announcements: Tokyo TDWTF Meetup: Bonenkai

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The Daily WTF

Tokyo readers, it’s been quite a while since our last Tokyo/TDWTF nomihoudai. It’s always a fun time, and we’ve got a good group of regulars now. Here’s a pic of a group of us from a past meetup:

If you’re unaware, nomihoudai is an easy way for a group of folks to get as much food and drink from the menu as they’d like for a set price over a set duration, without fussing over details like who ordered what and how many. And bonenkai, well… it’s a a sort of year-end celebration, where you try to forget all of the year’s woes through drinking.

So, if you’re up for getting together on Friday, December 14 in the Shibuya area, please drop me a note via the contact form or direct, apapadimoulis/

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