Coded Smorgasbord: Classic WTF: Code Comedians

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The Daily WTF

Everybody’s a comedian, until the joke’s on them. We close out this week of classics with some code and comments by people who were being funny. We’ll return to our regularly scheduled programming next week! Original. —Remy

When it comes to bad code, everybody thinks they’re a comedian. Heck, look at us! Stupid programmer jokes are a game everyone can play, though, so let’s enjoy an evening at the Improv with some code comedians.

Brian sends us this enum, which I’m sure was very funny back in 2007.

Public Enum TouchMessageBoxResponse [Ok] [Cancel] [Yes] [No] [DontTazeMeBro] End Enum

Brian claims that [DontTazeMeBro] is never returned, but if it were, I’m certain it would cause the application to Rickroll the user. Or taze them, I suppose.

Sometimes, a developer just has to puzzle over the application logic. Jeremy’s predecessor had some questions about this block of

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