The Daily WTF
There’s a very specific brand of bad code that I see from time to time, which I think of as “Oh, this poor person was permanently damaged by exposure to C.” They’re not writing C, but there’s something about their “accent” which tells you: they learned C and didn’t recover from the experience. Every reference variable can be treated like a pointer if you’re insistent enough.
There are other, similarly brain-breaking languages. COBOL. PL/SQL. VBA. Programmers learn the quirks of these languages, fail to understand them, and then start writing weirdly formal, structured code in languages that aren’t supposed to work that way.
Kerry has a co-worker like that. They’re doing C#, and they include weird little ticks that are a clear sign of some kind of other langugae trauma. My guess is that it’s a mix of PL/SQL and Visual Basic (not .NET), based on my experience with other
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