The Daily WTF
Andreas‘s employer recently upgraded their SQL Server databases to the latest version. During that upgrade, something went wrong, and performance dropped off a cliff. Applications which used to be merely slow to taking hours to query the data they required. Clearly, something was wrong in the upgrade process, but Andreas wasn’t a DBA, so that wasn’t specifically Andreas’s problem. Instead, there were plenty of badly performing blocks of code- maybe now was the time to try and optimize them.
That’s where this block of Visual Basic comes from.
Function Is_BookingCorr(CustomerID, Section, DocumentType, Spezification) Dim rst As ADODB.recordset rst.Open “Protocol”, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic With rst .Filter = “[CustomerID]='” & CustomerID & “‘” .Filter = .Filter & ” and [Section]='” & Section & “‘” .Filter = .Filter & ” and [DocumentType]='” & DocumentType & “‘” .Filter = .Filter & ” and [Spezification]='” & Spezification & “‘” Is_BookingCorr = .RecordCount > 0 End
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