The Daily WTF
One of Raquel‘s junior developers was having some troubles. They had a Lua script that needed to call out to a Redis store to fetch data. The poor developer was getting useless “failed to communicate to redis,” message and needed help figuring out what was going on.
Of course, the Lua script wasn’t the problem. The company was building a full on Inner-Platform. The core application stack was actually in Java, but it was extensible with Lua scripts. The Java code was meant to handle all the plumbing and interacting with the data store, and the Lua code could then just be where developers put their business logic.
The Lua code was fairly straightforward, at least at a glance:
local keys =‘ZRANGE’, some_very_big_sorted_set, min_index, max_index) local values =‘HMGET’, some_very_big_hash, unpack(keys))
The Java code, on the other hand, was more obviously problematic:
private static final Predicate<Throwable> somePredicate =
To read the full article click on the 'post' link at the top.