CodeSOD: Learning the Hard Way

This post was originally published on this site

The Daily WTF

If you want millions in VC funding, mumble the words “machine learning” and “disruption” and they’ll blunder out of the woods to just throw money at your startup.

At its core, ML is really about brute-forcing a statistical model. And today’s code from Norine could have possibly been avoided by applying a little more brute force to the programmer responsible.

This particular ML environment, like many, uses Python to wrap around lower-level objects. The ease of Python coupled with the speed of native/GPU-accelerated code. It has a collection of Model datatypes, and at runtime, it needs to decide which concrete Model type it should instantiate. If you come from an OO background in pretty much any other language, you’re thinking about factory patterns and abstract classes, but that’s not terribly Pythonic. Not that this developer’s solution is Pythonic either.

def choose_model(data, env): ModelBase = getattr(import_module(env.modelpath), env.modelname) class

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